Group attributes and create new ones


Components let you group attributes together, they are just plain objects with attributes on it. Components can define a scope.


<h1>New user</h1>
<form class="awesome-form">
  <input id="firstName" placeholder="First name">
  <input id="lastName" placeholder="Last name">
const { visitable, text, fillable, clickable } = PageObject;

var page = PageObject.create({
  visit: visitable('/user/create'),
  title: text('h1'),

  form: {
    scope: '.awesome-form',

    firstName: fillable('#firstName'),
    lastName: fillable('#lastName'),
    submit: clickable('button')


andThen(function() {
  // assert something

Default attributes

By default, all components define some handy attributes and methods without being explicitly declared.


Suppose you have a modal dialog

<div class="modal">
  Are you sure you want to exit the page?
  <button>I'm sure</button>
const { visitable } = PageObject;

var page = PageObject.create({
  visit: visitable('/'),

  modal: {
    scope: '.modal'


andThen(function() {
  assert.ok(page.modal.contains('Are you sure you want to exit the page?'));

page.modal.clickOn("I'm sure");

Custom helper

You can create custom helpers by creating Ceibo descriptors. (Ceibo is a small library for parsing trees. You can check it out here.)

import { findElement } from './page-object';

export default function disabled(selector, options = {}) {
  return {
    isDescriptor: true,

    get() {
      return findElement(this, selector, options).is(':disabled');

Example usage:

let page = PageObject.create({
  scope: '.page',

  isAdmin: disabled('#override-name')

page.isAdmin will look for elements in the DOM that match “.page #override-name” and check if they are disabled.


The scope attribute can be used to reduce the set of matched elements to the ones enclosed by the given selector.

Given the following HTML

<div class="article">
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor</p>
<div class="footer">
  <p>Copyright Acme Inc.</p>

the following configuration will match the article paragraph element

var page = PageObject.create({
  scope: '.article',

  textBody: PageObject.text('p'),

andThen(function() {
  assert.equal(page.textBody, 'Lorem ipsum dolor.');

The attribute’s selector can be omited when the scope matches the element we want to use.

Given the following HTML

  <input id="userName" value="a value" />

We can define several attributes on the same input element as follows

var page = PageObject.create({
  input: {
    scope: '#userName',

    hasError: hasClass('has-error'),
    value: value(),
    fillIn: fillable()

  submit: clickable('button')

  .fillIn('an invalid value');


andThen(function() {
  assert.ok(page.input.hasError, 'Input has an error');

A component inherits parent scope by default

<div class="search">
  <input placeholder="Search...">
var page = PageObject.create({
  search: {
    scope: '.search',

    input: {
      fillIn: fillable('input'),
      value: value('input')
call translates to find('.search input').val()

You can reset parent scope by setting the scope and resetScope attribute on the component declaration.

var page = PageObject.create({
  search: {
    scope: '.search',

    input: {
      scope: 'input',
      resetScope: true,

      fillIn: fillable()
call translates to find('input').val()