


Creates a component that represents a collection of items. The collection is zero-indexed.

When called with an index, the method returns the matching item.

When called without an index, the the object returned behaves as a regular PageObject with a few additional properties and methods:

  • count - the number of items in the collection
  • toArray() - returns an array containing all the items in the collection
  • [Symbol.iterator]() - if supported by the environment, this allows the collection to be iterated with for/of and spread with ... like a normal array

Collection objects also delegate the following methods to toArray() for ease of consumption:

  • map
  • mapBy
  • filter
  • filterBy


  • definition Object Collection definition
    • definition.scope string Nests provided scope within parent’s scope
    • definition.resetScope boolean Override parent’s scope
    • definition.itemScope String CSS selector
    • definition.item Object Item definition


// <table>
//   <caption>List of users</caption>
//   <tbody>
//     <tr>
//       <td>Mary<td>
//       <td>Watson</td>
//     </tr>
//     <tr>
//       <td>John<td>
//       <td>Doe</td>
//     </tr>
//   </tbody>
// </table>

const page = PageObject.create({
  users: collection({
    itemScope: 'table tr',

    item: {
      firstName: text('td', { at: 0 }),
      lastName: text('td', { at: 1 })

    caption: text('caption')

assert.equal(page.users().count, 2);
assert.equal(page.users().caption, 'List of users');
assert.equal(page.users(1).firstName, 'John');
assert.equal(page.users(1).lastName, 'Doe');
// <div class="admins">
//   <table>
//     <tbody>
//       <tr>
//         <td>Mary<td>
//         <td>Watson</td>
//       </tr>
//       <tr>
//         <td>John<td>
//         <td>Doe</td>
//       </tr>
//     </tbody>
//   </table>
// </div>

// <div class="normal">
//   <table>
//   </table>
// </div>

const page = PageObject.create({
  users: collection({
    scope: '.admins',

    itemScope: 'table tr',

    item: {
      firstName: text('td', { at: 0 }),
      lastName: text('td', { at: 1 })

assert.equal(page.users().count, 2);
// <table>
//   <caption>User Index</caption>
//   <tbody>
//     <tr>
//       <td>Doe</td>
//     </tr>
//   </tbody>
// </table>

const page = PageObject.create({
  users: PageObject.collection({
    scope: 'table',
    itemScope: 'tr',

    item: {
      firstName: text('td', { at: 0 })

    caption: PageObject.text('caption')

assert.equal(page.users().caption, 'User Index');

Returns Descriptor