


Validates if any element matching the target selector is rendered in the DOM.

isPresent vs. isVisible:

  • Both validate that an element matching the target selector can be found in the DOM
  • isVisible additionally validates that all matching elements are visible

Some uses cases for isPresent over isVisible:

  • To check for the presence of a tag that is never visible in the DOM (e.g., ).
  • To validate that, even though an element may not currently be visible, it is still in the DOM.
  • To validate that an element has not merely been hidden but has in fact been removed from the DOM.


  • selector string CSS selector of the element to check
  • options Object Additional options
    • options.scope string Nests provided scope within parent’s scope
    • number Reduce the set of matched elements to the one at the specified index
    • options.resetScope boolean Override parent’s scope
    • options.multiple boolean Check if all elements matched by selector are visible
    • options.testContainer string Context where to search elements in the DOM


// Lorem <span>ipsum</span>

const page = PageObject.create({
  spanIsPresent: PageObject.isPresent('span')

// <span>ipsum</span>
// <span style="display:none">dolor</span>

const page = PageObject.create({
  spanIsPresent: PageObject.isPresent('span', { multiple: true })

// <head>
//   <meta name='robots' content='noindex'>
// </head>

const page = PageObject.create({
  notIndexed: PageObject.isPresent(`meta[name='robots'][content='noindex']`, {
    testContainer: 'head'

// Lorem <strong>ipsum</strong>

const page = PageObject.create({
  spanIsPresent: PageObject.isPresent('span')

// returns false when element doesn't exist in DOM

Returns Descriptor